For older adults, falls can often happen in and around the home. You can make your home safer with a little forward planning to address potential slip, trip and fall hazards.

Assess your home for falls hazards

You can assess your home and make changes to improve your safety and comfort. You can ask family, whānau, or friends to help you, or you can get a professional home assessment by an occupational therapist. 

They visit your home and give you advice on how to make it more accessible and suitable for your needs. They can also recommend equipment or assistive devices that can help you with daily activities, such as grab bars and handrails.

Tips for preventing falls at home

Here are some tips for making different areas of your home safer and reducing your risk of falling.


  • Make sure your floors are not slippery and clean up spills immediately.
  • Wear non-slip shoes when you are cooking.
  • Put the items you use every day within easy reach.
  • Use a safe, sturdy step ladder to get things from high places.
  • When moving dishes in and out of the oven or dishwasher, sit or stand to one side – rather than leaning forward over the door.


  • Make sure you can easily reach bathing items such as soap, shampoo, and towels.
  • Always use a bathmat to avoid slips and falls.
  • Use a non-slip mat in the shower or bath if you need it.
  • Install sturdy handrails around your bathroom, especially if you have difficulty getting on and off the toilet or in and out of the bath or shower.
  • Use a bath seat and handheld shower head if you feel unsteady standing in the shower.
  • Install a pull-out mirror over your hand basin if leaning forward makes you feel unsteady.
  • Keep the floor dry and clear of things such as towels, clothes, and toiletries.

Living room

  • Remove furniture or items you don’t need so you can walk around without bumping into things.
  • Downsize large pieces of furniture to create more clear space.
  • Declutter small items, papers, and other unnecessary hazards.
  • Get a cordless phone so you can reach it comfortably from your chair.
  • Keep your mobile phone always charged and within easy reach.
  • To avoid tripping over electrical cords, either tuck them under furniture or close to the wall and tape them down. Ask for help if your furniture is heavy.


  • Take your time getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Roll onto your side, sit up slowly, and then stand. Don’t attempt to walk until you’re ready.
  • Try sitting down to get dressed.
  • Take your time making the bed. Pull on one layer at a time to avoid back strain.
  • You should be able to touch the floor when sitting on the side of the bed. If you can’t, look at ways to adjust your bed height.
  • Install a bedside lamp that you can easily reach when you’re in bed.
  • Keep a night light on to help see potential hazards at night.
  • Keep all bedrooms clutter free.


  • Anchor rugs in place with anti-slip mats.
  • Repair or replace rugs that are rolled at the edges or wrinkled and lumpy in the middle.


  • Use side lamps and spotlights to target areas that your ceiling lights don’t reach.
  • Buy lightbulbs with a higher wattage if they’re not bright enough.
  • Use nightlights if you get up often in the night.
  • Change bulbs as soon as they blow.
  • Install light switches at the top and bottom of stairs.
  • If your lights are too bright, swap to frosted bulbs.
  • If your outside lights are ineffective or non-existent, get a professional to install automatic security lights (front and back doors, along the path to the house).


  • If you have steps leading to doors, make sure they are even and in good condition.
  • Turn on outdoor lights as soon as it gets dark or invest in outdoor lights that turn on automatically.
  • Avoid heavy lifting in the garden – break the load up into smaller parcels.
  • Use long-handled and lightweight tools to avoid bending over for long periods.
  • Use well maintained tools and step ladders.
  • Avoid getting into a tug of war with stubborn weeds – ask for help or hire a gardening professional.
  • Steady yourself when bending and standing.
  • Ask for help if you need it.
  • If your paths get icy, make sure you apply salt or sand to them, and always use a handrail.

Regularly review and update safety measures to help keep you safe from falls in and around your home.

Check if you qualify for funded support services

You may qualify for publicly funded support services. You can request an assessment if you are over 65 and have health concerns or a disability. You may qualify for support with your day-to-day life at home, which includes making changes to your home that can prevent falls and injuries.

Get a needs assessment

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