
We all want to remain healthy as we get older. Live Stronger for Longer is a movement created by ACC and our partners to help support older adults to stay independent, reduce and prevent injuries, and keep living the life they want.

About ACC

At ACC we support people living in and visiting New Zealand if they are injured because of an accident. We also work with trusted partners and communities to prevent and reduce injuries.

About ACC

How we work to prevent injuries

Injuries can have a big impact on you, your family, whānau, workmates, and communities, especially as you age. The Live Stronger for Longer movement is just one of the ways we are helping older adults stay healthy and safe.

About Live Stronger for Longer

Live Stronger for Longer aims to reduce the economic, social, and personal impact falls have on older adults, their families and whānau, and their communities. This means reducing older adults’ risk of falling and getting a fracture if they fall.

Falls are the most common and costly cause of injury in people aged 65 years and over in New Zealand. Currently, one in six New Zealanders are 65 and over. Around 30% of people aged 65 and over who live in the community will fall at least once a year, and 10% to 20% will need hospitalisation.

Measuring the social value of the movement

Live Stronger for Longer has a positive impact

Social value

We commissioned ImpactLab to measure the social value of the Live Stronger for Longer movement.

Social value is the benefit a programme or initiative brings to people and communities. It measures positive changes and translates these benefits into a dollar value to show their impact.

Social return on investment

The social value is combined with cost information to calculate the movement’s social return on investment. It shows that every dollar invested in the Live Stronger for Longer movement delivers $5.20 of measurable good to older adults and New Zealand.

Read the ImpactLab Good Measure report 

Partners and contributors

We designed the Live Stronger for Longer movement with the Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora, Te Tahū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission, and the wider health sector.

We are working with these partners to make a difference to older adults by investing in programmes and services that help to reduce falls and prevent injuries so that they can keep living the life they want.

Partners and contributors

Fracture Liaison Service (FLS)

Fracture Liaison Services is a special programme that helps older adults, who have had a fracture (broken bone), to prevent having another one. A team of experts checks your bone health and gives you advice and treatment options to make your bones stronger. This service is important because it helps to find out if you have weak bones early on, so you can get the right care and avoid fractures.

Ways to maintaining your strength and balance

It’s important to keep well and stay active as you age. Regular strength and balance exercises are a proven way to increase your movement, confidence, and reduce your risk of falls – so you can keep living the life you want.

Live Stronger for Longer includes Community Strength and Balance classes and the free Nymbl balance phone app.

Community Strength and Balance classes

The Nymbl app

What you can find on this website

On this website you can find:

  • your nearest Community Strength and Balance class
  • practical information and advice for older adults on how to stay active, well and independent
  • advice for families, whānau, and carers of older adults
  • various online resources that you can order, download, and share.
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