Kauparehia atu ngā takanga
Stay safe from falls
Advice to stay safe from falls. How to check your risk of falling, make your home safer, talk to your doctor about a fall, and how to get up after a fall.
Rapua tētahi rōpū korikori
Find a class
Find a class near you - to help you improve your strength and balance, prevent falls, and keep fit and healthy. Follow these steps.
Tiakina tō hauora
Looking after your health
We all need to maintain strength and balance as we age. Find out ways you can help yourself to stay healthy, prevent falls, and keep living the life you want.
He kōrero mā ngā whānau me ngā kaitiaki
Advice for families and carers
We all need a little extra help to stay healthy as we age. Discover different ways to look after someone you care for by helping them keep fit, maintain their strength and balance, and reduce their risk of falls around the home.
Te taupānga o Nymbl
Nymbl app
Find out more about the Nymbl app – ACC’s handy tool to help older adults maintain their balance as they age.
Step It Up is an online class (zoom) designed to help improve your balance and strength. The class is particularly suitable for older adults but will suit anyone who wants to improve their strength and balance.